Apr 01, 2024

Successful resistance to tariff intervention in physiotherapy

The physiotherapy industry's opposition to the Federal Council's tariff intervention led to success in 2024, the procedure was suspended and negotiations are given priority.

The tariff was a red line for physiotherapy

The Federal Council is planning adjustments

In summer 2023, the Federal Council decided to revise the tariff structures for physiotherapy services and initiated a consultation. This move sparked strong resistance in the physiotherapy industry.

Mobilizing the Physiotherapy Sector

Physioswiss responded immediately and mobilized the entire physiotherapy community. Physiotherapists informed their patients, distributed flyers and laid out signature sheets to secure public support. The Broad Solidarity was overwhelming and brought the issue to public awareness.

Political Pressure and Media Presence

Parallel to these measures, Physioswiss sought dialogue with political decision makers. Support from parliamentarians helped to further increase pressure on the Federal Council. Opinion pieces and interviews ensured that the message was heard across the country and strengthened the position of the physiotherapy industry.

Large-scale rally on Bundesplatz

On November 17, 2023, Physioswiss organized an impressive large rally on the Bundesplatz in Bern. Around 10,000 people, including physiotherapists, patients, students and supporters such as FMH, took part. The rally was accompanied by the handing over of a petition with 283,000 signatures. The campaign generated a broad media response with over 100 contributions in the national and regional press.

Supervisory complaint against the BAG

In December 2023, Physioswiss filed a supervisory complaint against the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG). The Association argued that the planned tariff structure did not comply with the law and could jeopardize the economic basis of physiotherapy. The lack of consultation with collective bargaining partners was another point of criticism.

Success in March 2024

The efforts had an effect: On March 15, 2024, the Federal Council decided not to interfere directly with the tariff structure. Instead, the collective bargaining partners — Physioswiss, H+, Santésuisse and Curafutura — will have until the end of May 2025 to negotiate new contracts. Physioswiss regarded this as a great success and emphasized the importance of an open dialogue.

Negotiations with vision

It is now up to the collective bargaining partners to develop a fair and sustainable tariff structure. The coming months are crucial for finding solutions that take patients' needs into account and secure economic conditions. The success so far shows that the industry can make a big difference with solidarity and commitment.